chloe’s first day back to Studio Sprout

workin’ the flubber so fast, her hands are a blur!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

While the big kids started school, Chloe started up another session of Studio Sprout. Last week was flubber and melted bead mosaics! She is very proud of her work (and so are we!)! She loves showing her art to us and claiming them and, though she is very quiet in class, her eyes light up with every project and she’ll happily accept any materials you give her to add to her “pieces.” It’s very cute and my favorite Tuesday morning thing right now! The only thing is that it’s only an hour and taking her to school afterwards seems so abrupt–however, Chloe doesn’t seem to mind. She already has good buddies at school that she’s eager to play with: Kayla (teacher Lauren’s daughter!), Charlotte (Margot’s sister), and Evie and Aisha (Jada’s sisters).

melted bead mosaic
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

big cheesin’ smile
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

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