race day

Dr. Evil??
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan woke up at 4AM(!!!!! egads egads) on race-day, gipping me and Tom of a couple of hours of sleep! Then, we thought he might sleep past the new babysitter’s shift and only awake after Heather arrived at 8:30am. No such luck!

He awoke at 6:45am…to a face he’d only seen once (the previous day)! His way of dealing? He made small talk. “Moon gone”, he said, and then they read Goodnight Moon together!

Day 43: walking the path behind the house

After Heather and Taliana arrived, they apparently did a lot of outdoor play and went for a walk on the path behind the house.

As for Tom and me. We finished the race in a little over 2 hours. We missed our target times (I was 7 minutes slower than last year and Tom was 5 minutes slower) so we were both a little disappointed! Tom is planning vengeance in the Jungle Run in mid-July and we’re planning to do 10-12 mile runs on the weekends to get used to the longer distances…!

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