more biking with Dylan – 7/29

biking arana gulch
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan has been enjoying biking so much, I’ve been so excited to try new trails with him. This past Wednesday, after picking him up from Kayak camp (which he has been thoroughly loving!), we took the bikes to nearby Arana Gulch where the trails are mostly flat. He’s getting to be quite a strong and fearless biker!

I feel my bike frame is a little on the small side and, as a result, it feels like too much of my weight is going over my handlebars. This makes me a little wary of going down any hill very fast! So it was at Arana Gulch.

There is a point in the trail where it narrows and heads downhill. The hill is not terribly steep or long, but it was enough to make me a little anxious about Dylan and about me going over my handlebars (which I have done before!). Dylan just blazed down at full speed, managing to stay on the trail and take the corner up ahead with no problem! I, on the other hand, started realizing that if he keeps this up, I’ll have to find someone else with whom he can do more serious trail riding! Or, I guess, I’ll just have to keep on putting on a brave face–the things we do for our kids!

Anyway, it was fantastic fun.

He spent the following day with T. and K. but I met them at around 4pm so we could take a quick bike ride all together before Dylan and I picked up the girls.

What with Kayak camp and biking, he’s had a very active week…!

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