7th Night of Chanukah

I honestly cannot get enough pictures of these kids lighting candles!

on the 7th night of Chanukah
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

li’l Chloe
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

lighting the candles
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

You might notice that Cameron is missing 2 bottom teeth! She lost them weeks ago now! You can now see the rough edges of the tops of both of them peeking out from her gums!

finally set up the train
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

The tree sat in the living room for an entire week before we were able to actually start decorating it! Once we got going, the kids did not want to stop! So, now, train and even the Holiday Village are now set up under the tree!

chloe’s ornament
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Every year, there is at least one precious new hand-made ornament to add to the tree! First to the tree this year is one that Chloe made in pre-school!

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2015 Nutcracker

backstage for the first show
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

It’s been so long since the last post…and lots has happened, so I may as well roll backwards since those memories are at least still very fresh in my mind!

So, this past weekend, was the Nutcracker – 4 shows in 2 days! The kids have been working extraordinarily hard on this production — weekly rehearsals for about 10 weeks which had us at the dance studio pretty much 5 days a week followed by intense rehearsals over Thanksgiving week — and our reward was seeing them on stage as part of this spectacular production.

I worked backstage for 3 of the shows and joined the family (Lola, Grandpa Mike, Auntie Christina, Tom, and Chloe as well as Heather and her brother David) for the first Sunday show. I wanted to be backstage to help the kids out, but they are now so grown up, they would have been just fine without me there! They now have enough love and familiarity with theater and with being backstage that it’s just not that big a deal!

Still, I’m glad I was there to see their excitement whenever they were lining up to go into the wings!

dylan as party guest with the director’s youngest son
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

One of Dylan’s roles was as a party guest (Friend of Fritz) in the opening scene, which takes up about half the entire first act! At first, I have to admit, he was not happy about it. He was initially considered for a new part (some lamb role)–and he was pretty excited about having this new, special role! But, he got moved into party scene (not really knowing that kids really covet roles in this scene) and instantly complained about how long his Friday night rehearsals would be(a whopping 90+ minutes)!

I think, in the end, he really liked it. He realized it was a pretty big deal with a lot of stage time and he got along swimmingly with most of the boys in the group.

dragon part
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

He also was part of the dragon (which trotted out on stage right before Chinese Tea).

mini mouse!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Cameron was a mini mouse again but, this time, she was one of the “featured” mice engaged in a tug of war for the big cheese! At first, she was also not totally delighted with this assignment, but she ended up loving it!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

This year, Cameron picked up a second part: being a gingersnap! She was adorable and loved this one!

This production was truly a gigantic effort–the timing of the most important rehearsals were smack dab in the middle of Thanksgiving week! The kids were tired from many long rehearsals (where we had 6-hour days!) and they ran the Turkey Trot and they were excited about seeing family…there was just so much going on! But, they really rallied (as did Tom and I–Tom also volunteered by loading and unloading the truck! And, of course, he watched Chloe and he packed lunches for the kids and, when necessary, he came by the studio or the theater to drop off much-needed food!).

chloe and cameron between shows
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Chloe really missed me and the big kids. We spent so little time with her during the many rehearsals and for the performances (which had us at the theater from noon until about 6:30pm). The kids were able to pop out between shows to eat with my family and Heather and her brother David and to hang out with Chloe. She was so happy to see them and to eat with them!

playing after snack
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Unfortunately, the kids only had about 30 minutes break but, as you can see, Cameron and Chloe made the most of it!

The kids are already talking about what roles they want next year, so I guess (at least at this point), I’m assuming we’ll be at it again sooner than we know it!

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a nasty boo boo – 10/7

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

This one got a nasty scrape on her knee at school the other day, complete with gravel and all. Ouch! She was a trooper, though, and still managed to pull off a “cool as a cuke” vibe….Yes, indeed, she is so very cool to me!!!

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just an ordinary day – 11/6

one morning before school
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Mornings are often very hectic. We let the kids sleep until we have just enough time to get them through their whole morning routine! Mostly, this morning routine applies to the big kids…Chloe has a teeny tiny bit more flexibility on most days, so she’s always asking if I can sit down and read with her or play a game with her. Sadly, I often can’t, so here’s a ready-for-school Dylan reading one of her current faves to her (“ABC’s of Halloween”). Such sweetness!

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a smattering of rain! – 11/2

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

The kids were so excited about the rain! It’s been a rough drought and when we see the Lexington Reservoir, we are reminded of just how dire the water situation is. The kids are pretty aware of the situation and so totally reveled in last week’s rain!\

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some halloween fun!

spooky donuts
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

So, I got this idea from the internet…

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

But, the teeth kept wanting to open, so they started breaking apart the donuts I’d set them in. The kids found the stash of teeth and went about testing them out. Preview of what Chloe looks like with big choppers???

and here’s cameron
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Cameron still has her 2 wiggly bottom teeth which have been wiggling for quite some time! So, here’s big chopper preview of her as well….

I can’t believe I haven’t uploaded the Halloween photos yet, but once they’re up, I’ll post some more pics….

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Chloe’s Happiness Song – 10/27

Chloe’s song – take 1
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

As far as I know, Chloe made this Happiness song up on her own! It’s black video because she was singing it at night-night time!! I love how she starts singing her friends’ names…!

chloe’s happiness song
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

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Pumpkin Train – 10/26

pumpkin train happy dance
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Halloween celebratin’ spanned several days … maybe it was like this last year, too, I can’t recall exactly. But, all the revelry (and minimum day at school on the Friday before Halloween) led to 2 days off for lucky me!

The first day off was to accompany Chloe on her field trip to the Pumpkin Patch (this is a mandatory field trip and we have to buy our own tickets, but it’s fun so no complaints about that part!!! I do wish we weren’t also paying for daycare that day, too, though!)

Chloe was so excited…and, truly, field trips like these are great for getting to know some of the other preschool families better and the kids have fun doing things outside of the school!

woo hoo!!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

chloe and her buddy/nemesis Charlotte
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I hear a lot about Charlotte–from both Chloe and the teachers. They’re very similar in that they’re both very verbal…and were verbal at a very young age. Also, they’re both strong-willed and opinionated.

We often think of Chloe as a “little tyrant,” making demands on the family to “stop talking” because she’s “trying to tell [SOMEONE] something” and then everything has to be just so (as it is with so many 3-year olds), but apparently, Charlotte has her beat on the Being Bossy scale!

Whatever disagreements these 2 have, though, they clearly love seeing each other!

on the wagon
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

our little pumpkin pie
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

When she was born, she had jaundice and she and I had to return to Sutter for some bili treatment for a night or 2. We ended up nicknaming her “pumpkin pie”…and we still use the nickname!

more fun
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

at the train station
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

en route to the pumpkin patch
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

in the patch
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

picked a good one
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

she’s a happy little thing
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

The field trip ended around 1 or so, but Chloe didn’t want to go back to school after that, so I just took her home with me. I needed to get some stuff done, but then again, this time is so short. I loved having some one-on-one time with her!

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a windy day at the pumpkin patch – 10/25

only cameron will take pictures
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

The big kids didn’t have any field trips to the pumpkin patch this year, so we made our special excursion out to Rodoni a week before Halloween (our final opportunity to actually make it to Rodoni!). The pickin’s were a little slim and it was pretty darn windy, but we enjoyed what we could, found some suitable candidates and then headed back home to carve them.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I get a lot of backs these days…from the big kids. Sigh.

the littlest
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

got ’em!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Managed to get some faces…!

sweet friendship
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

These two are still the sweetest buddies ever.

our enthusiastic one
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

This one is so amazing. Driven and passionate. She grabs the bull by the horns and doesn’t let go! In typical form (for her!), she was all over the place, seeking out the best possibilities to take home!

just cute
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Oddly enough, it looks like I didn’t upload pumpkin-carving pictures yet either! Next post….

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Chloe resumes ballet

chloe starts ballet again
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

So Dylan and Cameron are in the Nutcracker this year and Chloe’s been hearing a lot about dance, so she decided to try dancing again! She now goes on Saturday mornings with Cameron. It’s very sweet!

hello thing 3
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

another video from her first class
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

following directions
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I don’t know why, but I’m always impressed when I see my kids actually listening and following instructions!

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