the Grandma Sharon smile

the grandma sharon smile
the grandma sharon smile
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Tom had to work on Saturday for a few hours and the kiddies woke up early, so we all decided to head over the hill together.

The kids and I visited Lola and Grandpa Mike while Tom worked and then, afterwards, we headed to Berkeley to check out Habitot, a kiddie museum.

Dylan loved being a firefighter, crawling around in the wiggle wall, playing with the toy BART trains, and bathing the anatomically-correct baby dolls!

I took Cameron into the infant crawl area, but I was too worried about germs to let her roam around too much in there, so the poor thing spent the vast majority of time in my arms or Tom’s! Luckily, I still think she had a good time, as evidenced by her smile in the picture above (which, incidentally, looks quite similar to Grandma Sharon’s! Tom concurs.).

A few more photo highlights below:

bathing the baby
bathing the baby
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

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