more food and then no more food

"more!" (I think)
"more!" (I think)
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Cameron started off strong with the solids. She seemed to really like the rice cereal…and she especially likes handling her own little cup even if she can’t get anything out of it yet!

This picture was taken on Day 4 of rice cereal. She looks happy, but later that evening, she puked up a storm. And then the next night, several hours after eating banana for the first time, she puked again! It seemed strange that she’d be allergic to foods as innocuous as rice cereal and banana, so we called the doc. We were told that it was probably a tummy virus, so rather than agitate her poor little digestive system, we opted to give her a break! We will try resuming solids tomorrow….

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

So, with the solids thing…we’ve also done away with the high chair figuring these cute little portable boosters with trays would work just fine. When Dylan was young, we kept one at home and kept the other one in the car. Not sure if we’ll be able to do that again with Cameron since, as you can see, Dylan wants to be in one too now, despite the fact that his legs are really far too long for the tray to fit comfortably on top (he can’t bend his legs!) and he really began to despise the thing quite a while ago!

We don’t normally feed Cameron on the floor like this, by the way. Dylan wanted to sit and this was the easiest and most agreeable way to do it!! They both enjoyed dining together…!

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2 Responses to more food and then no more food

  1. Valentine says:

    We should talk. Griff has been having solid food woes of a similar vein. Give me a call; I lost all of my phone numbers.
    Hugs to all!

  2. cvc says:

    I miss that little guy! I’ve been meaning to call, but didn’t want anyone to get the crud I’m finally getting over…! We’re finally all better!! I’ll talk with you soon! xxoo

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