Cameron is 7 months already???

bath night
bath night
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Though it’s been harder to just whip out the camera (and carry it along, for that matter), the camera still lives! Dylan loved sharing a bath with Cameron the other day. Cameron was fine, but seemed a bit more concerned about the space that suddenly wasn’t just all her’s! She really loves the bath!

In other news, she finally started opening her mouth to solids (about a couple of days ago). We believe avocado was the “breakthrough” food. But, today, after seeing the pediatrician, we’re pausing new foods (on Day 4 of avocado) and have had her vaccines delayed because of some hives that just manifest yesterday. The doctor believes it’s viral (oh, lordy, when will we finally be done with these viruses??) and will clear in a couple of days, but she didn’t want to confuse the cause with vaccinations.

At this point, Cameron is in the 70-something percentile for weight and still at the 95th for height and looking good otherwise. We’ll take her back for vaccinations in about two weeks…!

I can’t believe she’s already 7 months old. I know I repeat myself when I say this, but time really is flying….

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