Easter weekend

I’m looking at the right-side of this blog and I can’t believe there’s a post indicating Dylan only started daycare in April 2007. Honestly, it makes me feel worst that Cameron has basically been going since she was a wee 5-month old, not even on solids yet! =( But enough. I’ll admit, I’m exasperated-frustrated by the whole situation as I dearly miss my mornings with the kids; this is my second week being back to a full 40-hour work week and my first day back to commuting over the hill (I avoided it for 8 long years–long, yes, but not long enough!). The level of Crazy in the household has just ratcheted up a notch….We are all getting up earlier and the kids are sleeping later because we’re eating dinner later.

Easter 2010
Easter 2010
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Leaving that behind, we’ll move to cute pictures of the kiddies which always make me smile.

This dress that Cameron is wearing used to be Auntie Christina’s (I’ll have to try digging up a picture of her in it for comparison!) and Dylan’s shirt used to be Tyler’s. I still love seeing the kids in the hand-me-downs. They remind me of fond memories and feel like a way of intensifying the family bonds! So, these were the Easter outfits!

Sadly, we had a total seder fail this year owing to lack of bandwidth in planning, prepping and packing for a Yosemite or post-Yosemite event, but we did make haroset for a Saturday Easter egg hunt at a friend’s house and for Easter brunch at my mom’s.

still sampling...
still sampling…
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Yep, Easter was all weekend. On Saturday, we went to our friend Jenny’s house for the egg-hunt. Dylan is still as unaggressive as ever. Instead of running around trying to get as many eggs as possible, he’d leisurely pick one up, examine it, describe the color to us, and then try to open it to extract the contents!! At one point, he was more thrilled to be up high on the play structure than he was to find that there were several eggs up there for the taking (he even climbed down without picking them up!)!!

But, that is indeed our Dylan; he’s as generous as they come. Even with food and treats he really likes, he always wants to share some with us.

At Lola’s house the next day — where we had to do an indoor egg hunt because of the rain — he did the same thing: pick up, open and eat stuff, lope around for some more…oh, yeah, and “>pause to play with Cameron (note the unclaimed egg right behind him!)!

Here’s Cameron at her buddy Kaden’s house for her very first Easter. Kaden’s big sister Julie is the same age as Dylan and is equally sweet with her younger sibling! Anyway, don’t let Cameron’s expression fool ya; she had a great time. In general, being outside makes her happy! Add in being carried while watching a bunch of half-sized humans running around, making noise and being interesting, and you’ve got a pretty content baby!

listening to Tyler
listening to Tyler
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

At Lola’s house, her dress didn’t last past brunch, but that was ok. She got up on her knees (only since yesterday has she really been able to put one knee in front of the other–an improvement from the tuck-drag thing she’s been doing), ate peas, and was held a whole lot.

You’ll find a lot more pictures of the kids with buddies and family in the usual place…flickr.

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One Response to Easter weekend

  1. lola says:

    Cil, the dress that Cameron is wearing was worn by Christina when she was 14 months old, we need to dress her up in this dress when it fits her better, probably around now!

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