Cameron is now nine whopping months old! I know I repeat myself when I say it’s hard to believe how quickly time is passing. She is now standing very, very well on her own — well, hanging on to the edge of tables, toys, boxes, etc.–and she’s mastered stairs. Yep, she yammers and laughs allllll the way up! Once she’s at the top, she is so proud of herself.
She’s also getting very good at playing with these sitting/standing rolling things. She grabs the back and, when it starts rolling away, she pulls it back towards her. Unsurprisingly, she digs sitting on them, too!
Just these past 2 weeks, she started eating Oatios, too. We go through about a box a week…seriously…she loves them! We put them in the container on her Elmo standing toy, so now, whenever she plays there, she opens it up and checks for O’s. If there aren’t any in there, she shouts out!! Can’t wait for her to start signing for them instead…!