bday at the gym

Dylan and Finley
Dylan and Finley
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Ah, so we left off with Finley and Dylan’s joint bday celebration, but that wasn’t all of the fun we had last weekend. We also celebrated another school pal’s 4th–Keala’s. Dylan hasn’t stepped into gymnastics ever since he showed up on their advertisement (shortly after he fractured his arm)! But, the gym is where Keala’s party was and boy did he have a blast!

Keala, Finley, Hailey and Dylan have all been going to school together since they were really wee, so Dylan was pretty comfy at-play with them.

fun at the gym with Hailey
fun at the gym with Hailey
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

They did a lot of trampoline-jumping, balancing on the beam, hanging and swinging from the rings and rope swing, crawling through tunnels, dancing with noodles, and just plain running. And, they also played the “I Like to Move It” song which Dylan just totally loves (I’d say it’s one of his current faves along with Fatboy Slim’s “Rockefeller Skank”!).

Everyday, there is always something new and noteworthy going on…I’m glad I take pictures because it’s easy to forget what with all of the other stuff we get bombarded with during the week! I haven’t been able to keep up with daily photos, but I’m still averaging a photo or two every 2 to 3 days which has been good enough for joggin’ the ol’ memory!

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