Cameron, outstanding in her field!

Little girl is 10 months old now and she just had a couple of momentous moments! While Tom and I were at work, she did her usual Thursday gig at Lola’s house and, while she was there, why she decided to stand up on her own for the longest time ever! She’d been starting to hold herself up on her own for a second or two, but this past Thursday, she kept on doing it and for long enough to allow Grandpa Mike to locate the camera, whip it out of carrying case, etc, turn it on, get situated, focus on her, and snap!!

Also, she’s started saying “uh oh” (and I mean, she says it allllll day long!), she clearly signs fan, her two top teeth are getting close to really breaking through the gums and she can now eat lentils and watermelon with us! Whew! And we thought we were busy…she just keeps growin’ and growin’ and growin’! Updated pictures are coming up soon. I haven’t had much opportunity to shoot photos, but Lola takes plenty on Mondays (she is now going to my mom’s twice a week) and Thursdays! I’ll try to post some.

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