Cameron is 11 months old!

i love my baby girl even when she has her finger in my ear!
i love my baby girl
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Last Sunday, while Tom and I were running the Jungle Run, Auntie Christina watched the kids for us and caught Cameron on video taking her very first step (that we’re aware of)! Then, just last night(Wednesday), she took three steps all on her own! Not only that, she’s so excited about … sumpthin (walkin’? pipsqueak markers? standing up??), she bounces high enough that she occasionally actually lifts herself a few centimeters off the ground!!

To mark Month 11, she’s started on potatoes, asparagus and barley. She has also watched Taliana and Dylan use the elephant chair (pictured here) and the monkey chair on numerous occasions, and she discovered she really enjoys climbing up and sitting in them herself!!

orange marker-stained tongue!
orange marker-stained tongue!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

One of her favorite activities is playing with Pipsqueak markers and, just within the past couple of days (since discovering she can climb and sit in the “big kids” chair), she’s developed another hobby: sitting in a big kids chair and placing Pipsqueaks into the cup holder. If the monkey and elephant chairs are side by side, she’ll busily transfer the Pipsqueaks from one cup holder to the other!

Our little gal is an adventurer-in-the-making. She rediscovered her baby swing chair (detached from the swing frame to be a standalone rocker), climbs on it and jumps on it to make it rock back and forth. We put pillows behind her to protect her just in case she falls backwards! She’s also discovered that a happy consequence of being up higher means she can reach even more things on the train table.

All this climbing and “jumping” and step-taking is a development explosion that has just occurred over the past couple of days. We are enjoying watching her grow and develop…!

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