thus ends Dylan’s first week in daycare

Day 1: I procrastinated taking him in — I was feeling ambivalent and somewhat sad, but I actually had a good reason for bringing him in late! He had been boycotting naps, but it just so happened that he fell asleep after lunch and slept for a whopping 2 hours and 45 minutes! As soon as he awoke, I changed his diaper and brought him in. I was so flustered with the whole thing, I forgot to say goodbye to him, so I had to come back and peek into the windows to make sure he was ok (he was! He was already happily gnawing on some shape sorter and I think barely noticed I was gone).

The folks at the daycare were also very reassuring. I was told they’d rock/walk him to sleep and the fact that he liked being held just meant to them that he was a “loved” baby! I am so happy this is their philosophy!

The two women there that afternoon also have experience with cloth diapers, and one of them is actually vegan. They also let me know that I could come in and see him at any time.

When I came to pick him up, he didn’t see me at first and he was still just happily playing away!

Today, he once again napped beyond 1PM so I took him in late again. But he spent a whole additional hour there over Tuesday’s stay and I figure easing him into longer hours there might be better anyway.

When Kathy (the owner) took him, he reached his arms out for me and kind of gave a whine, but he quickly recovered when she distracted him with things in the main infant room.

Today’s report is that he loved exploring around the snack/activity table and was very, very active! He ate up all his tofu cubes and was only just at 5pm beginning to get a little fussy.

Again (as it was on Tuesday), as soon as he saw me, he was eager to nurse, so I fed him a snacky before heading home.

Jury’s not completely out yet, but it seems like he’s doing ok so far. He hasn’t been in there a full 4-5 hours, but I’m hopeful that he’ll enjoy it.

I get a good vibe from the daycare folks and he does know Hailey already…maybe he’ll even pick up some signs (Kathy and Michele are both willing to learn and sign with Hailey)!

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