the Cameron update

I just wanted to write a quickie blurb on Cameron as she is just racing towards her 1-year mark at lightspeed! She’s starting to wave to people(!), she knows how to drink from a straw, she loves feeding other people, she loves playing with dolls (she feeds a bottle to Taliana’s baby doll!!), she initiates playing hide and seek, and she clearly says, “doggy” when she sees one!

Last weekend, when we took the Yuba Mundo out for a ride, she refused to wear her helmet, so while Tom and Dylan were riding to the Boardwalk, I took her into PetSmart, you know, the “free zoo.”

We checked out fish, kitty cats, and birds, and every time she saw a dog, she’d say “doggy!” She loves looking at the animals, but she is clearly a little nervous of being near them–she starts clinging a little more tightly and she whips her head this way and that to follow their movements!

It’s hard to believe that a nearly a year has almost passed already. At this time last year, I was just starting maternity leave, dilated and effaced, and we were all waiting eagerly for this little girl to join the fam. She is such a joy to be around (until you take something from her that she wants!) and is so utterly huggable–one of my favorite things is just holding her close–it is seriously one of the best feelings in the world.

So, no picture for this post as I’m still experiencing difficulties with whipping out a camera in time to capture those precious and fast-fleeting moments, but here’s a little video of Cameron playing peek-a-boo with me (taken with my Droid phone…and some time in the far future, our kids will think that this current technological marvel is a clunky and unwieldy beast that produces only low-quality cameraphone vids!).

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