August 12th was a Thursday

bday girl
bday girl
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Cameron’s birthday was a work day and although I wanted to take the day off and hang out with her, I couldn’t….Given that, I was thinking at least she’d be with family (it was a Lola day)….But, not two hours into our work day, Tom and I got phone calls from daycare reporting that Dylan was rockin’ a fever of 103! So, we had to collect her from mom’s house and hurry back home to Dylan.

So, once home, Tom was the lucky fella who got to hang out with the kids–he took both kids for a walk while I got a few work tasks done.

All through the day, Dylan was clearly not quite himself, but luckily, he responded well to the ibuprofen–we felt he was well enough for us to proceed with our Thai House bday dinner plans for the Doodle.

We ordered all kinds of “favorites”: coconut juice, pad thai with no peanuts, veggie appetizer, fried tofu, pad see ew, and, of course, mango with sticky rice for dessert!

She ate well and clearly enjoyed everything she was eating!

happy birthday!
happy birthday!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

The three kids (Taliana, Dylan and Cameron) were having so much fun together, after we finished dinner, we ended up letting them run around the courtyard area in front of the restaurant for a good 30-40 minutes! And when I say we let them run around, that really does include Cameron….She isn’t quite running, but she is really getting pretty zippy on her feet!

After the sun went down and it was starting to get dark, we finally decided we should cease the celebrations for the evening! We think she had a pretty good day…we know we did. She is such a remarkable little girl. Willful, headstrong, and fearless. At 1 year and 1 week, she’s also roaring like a lion, saying “cat”, “doggy”, “woof woof” and “bye bye” (accompanied with cute flappy waving) and she’s added “tree” to her list of signs.

Happy birthday, our dear li’l gal. This year went by so very quickly and you’ve made it such a joy.

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