To round out Cameron’s bday celebrations, we had a small joint celebration with Kaden (who is exactly one week younger than Cameron) with just a few of our closest pals over at Kaden’s house.
I took the day off on Friday to make the cupcakes — s’mores, mint chocolate, and banana split (Tom made a gluten-free chocolate cupcake later in the evening). Actually, Dylan helped a lot! For each of the cupcakes we made, he dutifully (and skillfully!) sifted all of the dry ingredients into their respective bowls! Of course, once the cupcakes were cooled and frosted, he also helped decorate them with his “special mix” of sprinkles.
There are a whole host of pictures of kids diving head first into their little cupcakes but, of course, among my favorites are the ones of Cameron! She got a banana split cupcake because I figured it was the least “junky” of the three. I think she ate the whole thing. I’m not really sure!
As always, we had a great time celebrating with good friends…! More pictures in the usual place!