Dylan’s latest smile

at HAT’s new home
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan has Tooth #5 and #6 coming in, but in this picture, you can only see teeth 1 through 4 (2 bottom teeth and his 2 uppers).

This past weekend, we visited my cousins in Fremont, stopped at Cindy’s for a little play break (oh, can’t forget falafels for lunch), helped HAT move into their new place and, finally, we planted some dino kale, Kandy corn, and stupice and cherokee purple heirloom tomatoes (have yet to put snap peas and four other varieties of heirloom tomatoes into the ground…).

Dylan enjoyed everything but the Saturday car rides to and from Fremont. He howled 95% of the time! The poor little guy kept signing for “milk” and I could not oblige…!

Smiles are definitely far, far, far more preferable…!

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