more weekend fun

Last Sunday was one of those busy days: we started out with a 10K (both of us performed pretty decently — sub-9 minute miles — considering our level of training), then after showering at Lola’s house (she kindly watched the kids while we ran!), we took the kids to the Children’s Discovery Museum to check out the Bob the Builder display, and then we headed to Cindy’s house for the annual Virgo kids birthday celebration (me and Rob).

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Cameron was an absolute whirlwind. She was moving from this exhibit to that giving us hardly any time to catch out breath! She played with the tools, “drove” in Muck(?) the truck, and pumped water like a mad-woman.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

She also went down the itty bitty slide with Dylan (and by herself!)

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan built a wall, pushed a wheelbarrow full of “stones” around, and also pumped water (blue balls) like a madman.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan also did some “building design” by matching the shapes to those pictured in the blueprints.

And after all of that, Dylan helped decorate his cousin Rob’s cupcakes! And, of course, he played with his cousins.

Apparently, Tyler told him about vampires, too, because the next day, he told us the following:
Dylan: “if a vampire bites another vampire, that’s ok…but if a vampire bites somebody who is *not* a vampire, that could hurt…And vampires live far away. You can’t even drive to them”.

The next day, he repeated this!

In the meantime, Cameron is signing and saying “milk” (all the time, too!), she now enthusiastically greets Dylan with a “hiii, Dih dih” (and often pats him on the head or the back!) and she signs “elephant” (and makes an elephant sound).

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