our other holiday celebrations!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

In addition to our family celebration, we also celebrated the holidays with Jeff’s side of the family and with Heather and her family.

We spent Christmas Eve at Jeff’s sister’s house. As usual, the kids enjoyed seeing their cousins and opening special gifts from the Taylors.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan got a Silly Faces game…”isn’t that silly?!?” and Cameron got the perfect theme gift — a Sock Monkey jack in the box…Her latest obsession is Five Little Monkeys jumping on the bed! Every morning, she requests it and she sings 5 little monkeys constantly throughout the day, so the Sock Monkey jack-in-the-box was perfect!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

The day after Christmas, we celebrated with Heather and her family…a simple occasion with a present exchange and more food!!!

dylan's candy shanty
dylan’s candy shanty
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Taliana and Dylan decorated candy houses, complete with gardens, inhabitants and, for Dylan, a fire ladder.

Both kids exercised admirable restraint in eating the candy-in fact, they didn’t eat any of it while they were decorating.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

So, while the adults played games, the kids played. This year, we kind of made a theme of “indoor” active play toys and Uncle David got Cameron a Bilibo seat, pictured here!

Overall, another fun, fun holiday, though crazy, crazy busy. The smiles on these kids’ faces was worth all the effort.

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