It’s only been 2 weeks since New Year’s but, in a way, it seems like longer…especially since Cameron is just talking like a maniac. She has pretty much been repeating everything she hears for what seems like ages now (she even now says “ZhuZhu pet”!). So, now we have this little person who can request just about everything she feels like eating (nori, cookie, snap peas, blueberries, banana, strawberries, cuties, broccoli, pasta, cereal, chocolate chip, drink, you name it) and who now claims toys with a big, loud “nooo! mine!!” At times, she’ll even bend at the waist, stick both arms straight out in front of her and tell Dylan, “STTOPPP!”
I love asking the question “who wants ____” (like blueberries). If she wants it, she’ll give a big smile and say, “I do, I do!” She’s quite enthusiastic!!
She also constantly sings “no more monk-ehs” (with finger wag and all) and requests her favorite books: “Goodnight Moon” (“moon”), “Bedtime Peekaboo” (“peek a boo”), “Owl Babies” (“owl owl”), “Curious George” (“bunny. shot” — short for the line in the book that reads “but the bunny took off like a shot”), and “Peek a Who”.
One day, she surprised me by reciting some numbers in sequence on cue (she knows 4-5-6 and 8-9-10) and I discovered that she and Lola count the stairs whenever they climb them (which is apparently quite often!!). She also often says “pret-ty dress” and “pret-ty shoes” when she puts things on (often new clothes from Lola)!
And, boy does she have good focus. While cleaning in the kitchen one day, I noticed Cameron at the train table playing with her stacking cups. She did not stop until she’d stacked them all up in the proper order!! She also likes putting crayons into their little box and stacking all of the square magna tiles into one pile.
Oh, my goodness, how quickly time is flying by!