cameron sings

This seems pretty crazy, but Cameron started singing the ABC song just this past Monday! She doesn’t hit all of the letters and her pronunciation isn’t perfect, but she seems to know the sequence. Believe it or not, she’s actually singing it better today than she did two days ago (when we first taped her). She’s also on to the first line of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and “Great Big Stars” (a Music Together “hit”) and, for the first time today, we heard her say, “Noooo, don’t do that!” when Dylan accidentally folded her placemat on to her dinner bowl. And, she said it pretty much the way he says it to her all of the time! She also picked up the phone and said, “hello, how are you doing?” right into it and, while reading I Love You Stinky Face, she said “I love you mama” (melt my heart!). At 17 months, she’s just rapidly progressing on this whole verbal development track. Nutso!

She’s singing in both of these videos, but in the second one, we also had a brief conversation. I asked her what her babies were doing and she made them cry “wah wah wah.” What a funny li’l gal!

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