monkeyin’ around

monkeyin’ around
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Tooth #7 is finally coming in (on the bottom, right side); he loves his monkey chair — he will read in it, eat snacks, place his drink in the cupholder, assemble and disassemble stuff (e.g., Tom’s coffee making gear), stand on it, etc.; he’s signing “bath,” “hot” (loves to point to the fire in “Goodnight Moon” and sign “hot” very excitedly!) and “mommy” and he says “cook” (and “daddy”) very clearly (he says “doggy”, and “all done” and, of course, “coffee,” a bit less so, but they are still recognizable!).

He has been trying to acquire a taste for his bathwater with the cups in his bath.

He is such a joy to watch.

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