pre-bday, pre-K bday circle

Pre-K bday banner
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

This year, Dylan requested an ice cream cone (to go along with his ice cream themed bday party) for his birthday banner. Cathy kindly obliged…!

birthday hugs
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

The minute we walked into the room, Nate and Tanner came over to give Dylan a happy birthday greeting. As soon as the other kids heard this, they all started chiming in with their own happy bday wishes–and then the hugging began! It was so sweet! He was getting so many hugs, he practically fell to the ground!! But, clearly, he enjoyed the attention.

This is the first year that I didn’t stay for the actual birthday circle (partly because I had requested time off from work so I could spend time with him on his actual bday), but the gals offered to take pictures so I left my camera behind.

bday cupcake
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I was told he picked out a couple of songs and stories (as is the tradition there) and he got a new birthday “rope” with 5 knots and “room to grow.” After that, he blew out his candles and then (I’m sure) it was snack time!

banana split cupcakes
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan and I spent Wednesday evening making the cupcakes. Quite coincidentally (given the ice cream theme he chose for his bday party), he chose to make banana split cupcakes. They turned out pretty yummy!

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