rainy weekend

rainy day crafts
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We had another bizarre streak of weird weather this past weekend with serious downpours on Saturday. We just about went nuts staying inside! To help pass the time, though, we did a lot of crafts: hama beads, glitter art (thanks to a glitter glue art kit Dylan got from Auntie Christina!), watercolor painting, and painting a pirate ship (a present from Julie and Kaden)!

I love Dylan’s focus!

Oh, I also tried to set up an indoor carnival (since we’d just gone to the carnival at the elementary school the night before)–we had a flip-flop bean bag toss, a football and frisbee throw (where you had to throw the football or frisbee through the trampoline frame), bowling, and “batting” practice (which I knew would be safe because Dylan is no slugger!). We used our keychain rewards cards and old Dylan name cards for tickets and I was all prepared to give out actual prizes for redeemed tickets, but wouldn’t you know, Dylan had zippo interest!!! Oh, well! At least Tom and I had some fun trying out our games (and Cameron did try bowling!)!

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