no pic-nic

No suitable photo for today’s post, but it was too harried a day for me to whip out a camera anyway! Dylan woke up before dawn. I repeat, before dawn. It was 4:35am and poor Tom was just getting out of the shower before heading out for Long Beach (and back). I tried in vain to get him to fall back asleep up until 5:20am when I opted for a new strategy: tucker him out so he can at least get in a nap before our 10am Finger Babble class!

Well, that strategy didn’t work either. He stayed awake. Not only that, he peed on the carpet (ok, that was my fault…he dashed off mid-diaper change and I didn’t catch him in time!), and dumped half of his breakfast onto his shirt…! This morning was no fun at all!

But, gratefully, he was a gem in Finger Babble and thus began the turnaround. He sat on Angelita’s lap while she sang “Going on a Bear Hunt”; he helped clean up (he’s actually getting quite good at putting things away when asked — at least in public!); and he tried to be social and friendly (Jack was a bit taken aback when Dylan tried to hug him. Poor Dylan doesn’t get that not other kids are not necessarily accustomed to being mauled by other kids like he is by his cousins!); he shared toys and tried to make conversation with Daisy about her doll….

His nanny also came to class with us today so that she could learn some signs to practice with him and to then watch him while I was in my weekly team meeting.

He slept for only 40 minutes with Paris as he awoke when we transferred him to the carseat to take him to school.

Once at “school”, I told the staff that he now says “neat” when he wants to “eat” and as soon as he heard that, he started repeating, “neat. neat. neat”, so they gave him a snack and he never napped after that!

Despite the lack of sleep, he apparently had a good afternoon there. He didn’t cry when I left and he played down in the toddler room for a while. When I came to pick him up, he was as happy as could be!

This evening, he ate well — we started assembling his play kitchen — and he promptly fell asleep at 9:08pm!

Phew. What a day. I am tired (was tired all day long). I wonder how Dylan felt…!

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