together in the park

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Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Our nanny was sick this morning, so I had to stay home from work which, in turn, offered me a rare chance to hang out with Dylan on a Thursday morn.

We hadn’t been to Together in the Park for ages (not since I’ve been back to work, anyway) so, despite feeling a bit worn out, I couldn’t pass up the chance to take him.

I think Dylan must have been either a little on the tired side or a bit overwhelmed by the number of kids and things to do because he didn’t do his usual running around all over the place thing; instead, he kinda just did a lot of observation and he moved slowly into new activities.

Anyway, we had a great time. We saw some friends we hadn’t seen in a long time and Dylan got to draw with markers, blow bubbles, play in the sand, and ride in a wagon (with Ben and with Eaen); during circle time, we listened to a story and sang some songs, and he just loved being beneath the parachute!

I got a little bit of lunch into him before we started heading home, but he had such a good time, he actually fell asleep in the carseat with his snack in his hand!

My next task is to get him into the crib at daycare without waking him up!!!

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