date day

date day with my son
date day with my son
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan is such a great big brother–so patient, so loving, and generally so good at playing with Cameron, but it’s also often clear that he still gets sad that she gets so much attention. He’s been asking for a date day with me for a while now, but what with all of the traveling, etc., we haven’t had much time. Finally, today, we got a chance to hang out together, just the two of us!

While Tom and Cameron had their own “date” (shopping for new pants for Dylan), Dylan and I went downtown and got a new bulletin board for his room (he’s currently posting pictures on it!!) and went to Verve to read and do puzzles and games in some of his magazines. We had such a great time!!

After a couple of hours, we strolled the length of downtown to meet Tom and Cameron for a late lunch at Saturn.

verve latte art (errr soy hot cocoa art!)
verve latte art
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan was really impressed with the “latte art”…he thought it made the hot cocoa even “more delicious!”

Dylan is so much fun to talk to…I’m so glad we could find some time to just have some good ol’ one-on-one time. Even he recognizes that date days will be more difficult once baby girl is born, so we made plans to have at least one more before she’s born. Also, I’m hoping to volunteer in his classroom once I go on maternity leave–something else he has requested. I’ll take these requests when I can still get them, although I hope he’ll never stop wanting “dates” with me once he’s all big and grown up!

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