now 17 months

Christina and Dylan blowing bubbles
Christina and Dylan blowing bubbles
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We celebrated my aunt’s 60th bday this past Saturday and, boy, did Dylan have a blast. The party started late (6pm — “late” cuz it was in Castro Valley, ~1.5 hour drive from home, and attending meant flirting with disaster re Dylan’s bedtime!), but since it was for one of my favorite aunts and everyone only turns 60 once, we decided to go.

As soon as we got there, he was enthusiastically greeted by Zoe who just clearly adores him (and, amazingly, is strong enough to carry him around)! And, once we were inside and he caught sight of the rest of his cousins (including Jason and Tyler), he immediately joined in the fray, running around, laughing, showing off his dance moves….! He was a total blur!

Dylan wasn’t just a blur at the party, though, he’s been charming the socks off me with all of his “big boy” developments these past few days. For one, on Thursday, we put him in tennies for the first time (figured it was time for “real shoes” now that the weather is getting bad) and, boy, did they make him look big. For another, he’s been talking up a storm. He just started signing “fire”, he now says “ai ya yai” (he repeated this one morning when we were running late and I absently muttered this while getting us ready to go!), “help,” “poo poo,” “icky,” “ouch,” “owie,” and “shoe,” and he clearly sings (“caw caw” on one song and “deedle doo” sounds on a few other songs).

He is really beginning to copy us a lot more, too. In addition to vacuuming, “blowing his nose,” cleaning things off with wipes, cooking, Tom’s karate kicks, blowing food/drink to cool them off, and making munching and sipping sounds when pretending to eat and drink and/or feed his stuffed animals, he now copies me when I lean up against the wall to stretch out my legs.

When he needs (and often says) help, he has started taking our hands and putting them on the thing he needs help with (zippers, lids/caps, Tinkertoys, etc…) and he has also started taking our hands and guiding us to his destinations of choice!

It’s hard to believe that at this time last year, he was so wee, he was only beginning to sit up by himself!

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