chloe’s first day at the beach x2

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

On Fridays, Taliana usually picks Dylan up from the after-school program and they head to HAT’s house for some after-school play time. Since it was beautiful outside, though, H. and I thought it might be nice to hang out at the beach instead. She picked up the big kids, I picked Cameron up from daycare and then we regrouped and headed out.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

day 18
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Chloe spent the vast majority of the time snoozing while the kids played!

This was her second trip to the beach…in one day! Earlier in the day, we met up at Seabright Beach with Kaden and his mom to find out more info about another local elementary school from yet another mom friend who was already there.

Cameron at Seabright
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Normally, we have gymnastics with Kaden on Friday mornings, but both Jenny and I decided the kids were ready for something a little more structured, but we couldn’t decide what to do, so we are in-between sessions of some as of yet undecided activity. Going to the beach was a spontaneous decision, but it seemed like as good a day as any to attempt hauling 2-year old, sand toys, diaper bag, snacks, and a baby Chloe across the sand.

The beach did not disappoint…in the morning or in the afternoon. And, things more or less went smoothly (i.e. no blowouts in a sandy environment!).

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