take 2 pieces of candy and call me in the morning

Dr. Dylan
Dr. Dylan
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Well, of course, Halloween was fun, but what was surprising was just how much fun Dylan had!

We started with trick-or-treating with Taliana the Big Bad Wolf and Heather Little Red Riding Hood (note that Heather made Taliana’s costume. She did an incredible job!!) and ended with trick-or-treating with Jason Woody and Tyler a vampire (make no mistake, this wasn’t Dracula. If you erred on this front, little vamp would set you straight!)

Oh, we also dressed up for library lap time where Dr. Dylan and the Big Bad Wolf were subjects of a librarian digital photo fest.

Anyway, I luckily got Dylan down for a nap right after lap time, so he was refreshed and ready for downtown trick-or-treating by 2pm. The downtown thing was really nice! We didn’t just pick up candy (we redistributed Dylan’s haul down at Cindy’s house), but he also got some stickers, crayons and some other little goodies.

Dylan had been practicing saying “tick teet” with Taliana and having little this’s and that’s dropped into a basket in weeks previous, so he was primed for the occasion. He didn’t say “tick teet” on-demand, but at times, he did select his own candy and drop it into his own basket…and he certainly wanted to carry his basket all by himself. He was at his happiest when he was down on the ground with the rest of the kids (or, probably, more accurately, like Taliana!).

I successfully kept him from eating any candy while we were in Santa Cruz, but once in Morgan Hill, he managed to break through a Tootsie pop wrapper and we just gave up on trying to wrest it from him.

Seeing Dylan be so into the festivities was so much fun! I’m glad he wasn’t scared at all…in fact, he loved all of the cackling tombstones and skeletons and sang itsy bitsy spider when he saw Cindy’s big fake spider in the kitchen…..

As usual, more photo highlights are on flickr. Christina was a bellydancer, Dre was Tiger Woods, mom was a devil, and we were all doctors (Tom had to be a mad doctor for SJSU, so we decided to make that this year’s costume theme for all of us!).

This entry was posted in cousins, halloween, heather, holidays, jason, taliana, tyler. Bookmark the permalink.