that naked feeling and volunteering

day 24
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I finally got around to volunteering in Dylan’s classroom last week. Dylan has been asking if I can hang out in his class since school started!! I was planning on having Chloe in the Ergo and staying until recess or until she started fussing, whichever came first, but Tom kindly offered to stick around and watch the girls while I was away (this was my first time being away from Chloe).

I felt oddly light without my little load!! I really felt like I was missing something! But, it was definitely nice not to have Chloe because I did do a fair amount of bending over to yap with kids while I was in the classroom and it’s harder to do that with a baby on you!!

As to the classroom experience…I was able to get a better sense of Dylan’s teacher’s philosophy and approach as well as the students’ range of abilities. While I was there, they did art, circle time, and math. Oh, and Dylan did show and tell, sharing this toy train we picked up for him from Griffiths park. After he described what kind of train it was, he turned to the kids and said, “Questions?” It was the cutest thing (this is obviously part of their show and tell format)! A bunch of kids then raised their hands and Dylan addressed a few questions (among them: “where did you get it?” “did you get it at a gift shop?” “where was the park in LA?” and “do you use it[the train]”. Good stuff!

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