Last Friday, Heather and I took all of the kids to Polar Bear for some ice cream and sorbet scoops. We intended to take them for a little hike over by Harvey West afterwards, but our plans got derailed when I had to stop to nurse Chloe and the kids waited with Heather at the playground. Once they were climbing, running and sliding, there was no persuading them to leave for a hike! But, it was all active fun, so it was all good.
The big kids think it’s just a riot to have pictures of their backsides taken. I guess this is the downside to having a camera with me all of the time! This is the only shot they voluntarily posed for!
Here’s Cameron sliding down in her favorite monkey pants. One of her fave outfits these days includes these pants (a little on the big size still and a thrift store find) and an undersized monkey nightgown. How is that for fashion??