it’s potty time

taking an interest in the potty
taking an interest in the potty
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan has been saying “pee pee” and “poo poo” and patting the front of his diaper for a few weeks now. The few times that he’s done this, I’ve attempted to get him to the toilet ASAP but, of course, by the time we get there, the deed’s already been done.

I think a big factor in his interest in the potty is seeing Taliana use her’s (and the big potty) when she needs to Go!

Heather has been encouraging Taliana to encourage Dylan and at Taliana’s birthday party last night, when she needed to potty, she said, “Ok Dylan. I’ll show you…” and he followed her to the bathroom! Once she was finished (all the while she was explaining that you go potty in here and then, see, it goes in there and then you flush it, etc. etc.), Dylan came over and sat down on it for a while!

We see this as a promising sign — though who knows how long it will actually take for any real progress to be made — so he’s getting a potty package (book, potty and potty DVD) for Chanukah this year.

Ok. Potty talk aside, we did celebrate Taliana’s 3rd bday yesterday with a trip to the museum and a nice dinner at HAT’s house….Plenty o’ pictures on flickr….

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