chloe is 4 months old

4 months, 6 days
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

It’s hard to believe that Chloe is already 4 months old! Time is seriously flying by faster than it ever did with either Dylan or Cameron!

She is such a sweet little pumpkin, always ready to socialize when you smile and chat with her!

She cracks up doing patty cake, especially the roll it and pat it part, and she’s now beginning to enjoy peek-a-boo!

She really is such a joy–so mild-mannered and good-natured. Sure she can cry for a good spell when she’s in her car seat being driven from this big kid activity to that, but once she sees she’ll be rescued soon, she’s back to smiling and kicking her little legs in joyous anticipation!

She is also a very lucky little sister; Cameron and Dylan still absolutely adore her.

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