I know, I know. The potty talk must be getting to be a real bore to read about. I’m sure it’s more exciting for us than it is for anybody else!!!
We’ll keep it brief
Dylan is now wearing pull-ups. Taliana wears them, so he’s pretty ok with them, especially when we refer to them as “underwear”.
For several nights in a row now, the only way we’ve been able to convince him to cover his hiney is by telling him pull-ups were undies.
During the day, he’s still using a combination of cloth diapers and disposables…and now with some pull-ups thrown in.
He’ll usually agree to a diaper change — and has even gotten on the changing mat himself — after he’s pooped in the diaper.
It seems he’s having trouble pooping in the potty. Today, a tiny turd was all he could muster. Then, he agreed to put on a pull-up and then he let loose.
We figure it’s all good!
He is getting simultaneously more charming and more challenging! He talks a lot, but this also means, he expresses his opinions more and they don’t always agree with ours!
Aside from the potty successes, we had another huge, huge success — Dylan napped at daycare for two whopping hours, on a cot with all of the other toddlers!!! This is such a wondrous thing, I’m considering putting him in for a full day on Thursdays (my full in-the-office work day)!