This week was a tough transition week for all of us. Tom’s paternity leave ended and he returned to full-time work and, of course, Chloe had to start daycare.
She is such a jolly li’l gal, in general, but she definitely was unhappy for much of these past 5 days! Most days, she was asleep by the time I came to pick her up–heavily swaddled and with a binky in her li’l pie-hole!!
One day, she was crying and on another, she practically burst into tears when she saw me walk through the door!
Today was her best day yet, though. We started Music Together and went to Cameron’s gymnastics and she stayed awake for all of it!
She fell asleep on the way to daycare and napped well! After waking up, she happily played on the floor with the teachers before settling in for an afternoon nap! We’ll hope for encore performances next week!
Now that Tom is back to work, we’re feeling the stress of having to shuttle 3 kids to/from their respective destinations while trying to get to work on time (I am 0 for 5 on this score!). At least, I’ve managed to avoid pumping (big plus!)!!