this year’s seder

Day 51: seder plate - tofu stand-in for egg; parsley; radish (instead of horseradish); lettuce; coconut lemon almond haroset; vegan lamb shank
seder plate
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

At long last, here is a post about this year’s seder! This year, we rehashed some favorites from our first seder: turkish eggplant stew, rice pilaf, and sauteed carrots with almonds, and (!), we added in some Tofoo Com Chay-bought drumsticks (lambshank stand-ins).

vegan matzo ball soup
vegan matzo ball soup
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

We also tried some new recipes, including a vegan matzo ball soup, an unusual coconut-lemon-almond haroset and an incredibly decadent and extremely simple chocolate matzo recipe (modified to use about 1/2 the “required” margarine — even then, we could sense our arteries clogging with every delicious bite).

seder leader
Tom leads the seder
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

As to the service itself, we once again used the Ina Gada Haggadah as our guide. Dylan had a fit at Word One of the intro, forcing Tom to basically just hit the high notes as we all strained to hear through the haze of Dylan’s screams!

Other than Dylan’s fit, a good time was had by all (Taliana, Assaf and Heather joined us). Taliana and Dylan even searched for the afikomen! The rest of the photo highlights are on flickr.

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