the potty revival (we hope) +

After a what seems like a very long hiatus, Dylan finally is trying the potty again. The first time around, the novelty wore off, partly because there was no support for it at daycare (I asked them if they’d take him up to the potty and they said they didn’t start doing that until the kids were in the preschool and/or 2-years old), so the project just sort of languished. However, now that a batch of kidlets are graduating from the preschool, making room for the little ones in the toddler room (Dylan included) to move on in, they’re beginning to take some of the toddlers up to the potty.

Once we got wind of this, we started whipping out the potty at home, first thing in the morning, first thing after nap, and whenever else we could reasonably anticipate the need.

Dylan hasn’t been wholly enthusiastic. He often kinda complains and frowns a lot, but the reminder that he won’t need to be wiped with a cold wet wipe if he pees in the potty seems to be a pretty good motivator!

This past weekend, the poor fella had diarrhea, but he made a huge potty breakthrough — he went poops twice (with the runs even)!

I’m still a little worried that the daycare folks won’t be able to give him the patience and encouragement he needs, especially since we’re so much in the learning stage still. Right now, we definitely need to coax him to give it a try; sometimes he runs around without a diaper and he won’t sit down until he absolutely can’t hold his pee anymore! Sometimes, it still takes a little time — lots of books, songs, etc. — before we see some results (at least, these are the times when he’ll willingly and patiently sit!)!

Now that he’ll get some reinforcement at daycare, maybe this time using the potty will stick….

Ok. So that’s the potty report. In other news, we watched Jason and Tyler play soccer this past weekend (Dylan was a trooper, he smiled and made the best of it despite the diarrhea) and, during this week’s gymnastics, he took a few steps along the raised balance beam all by himself (a few weeks ago, he walked along a beam that was pretty much resting right on the floor).

These are the small things I know I’ll forget if I don’t write them down!

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