This past week has been all about sickness and visits to Urgent Care and Pediatrics! Yucko is right! It all started last Tuesday when Dylan had an absolute fit with Tom while I was in the shower. We both thought he was just being a major mommy cling-on, but at breakfast with Taliana and Heather, he actually fell asleep in my arms. Hmmm. And then he was really pretty mellow in Music Together.
Later that day, when I picked him up from daycare, I noticed he felt a little hot, so I stayed home with him on Wednesday. He was still fairly alert and still eating, but by Thursday, things were worst — fever of 104F, no eating, he was completely lethargic, didn’t want to play, etc.
Doctors in Urgent Care diagnosed him with an ear infection (described as ugly with pus) and a sore throat. The strep culture came back negative, but he was prescribed amoxicillin for his ear.
Well, by Saturday, his fever was still at 104 and a chat with the doc revealed that ear infections usually don’t have a persistently high fever like this, so back we went to urgent care!
We were told that maybe the antibiotic wasn’t working (it apparently only works on 75% of the strains of bacteria) and to check back on Monday.
Although his fever was lower on Monday, it was still there, so we went back to the doctor (this time Pediatrics) to confirm the decision to switch antibiotics and to also ask about his hearing (he’d begun to articulate less well). Glad we went; it turns out his throat looked awful, but his ear was improving. So, the ear is responding to amoxicillin, but the throat thing is viral (not responding to the antibiotics).
Today, Dylan finally was well enough to spend his half day in daycare where he apparently had a good day! And, he’s back to eating and drinking.
All throughout the fevers and pain, he’s been a trooper! He’s clearly on the road to recovery. He’s back to his jovial little self — making jokes, pushing our buttons, testing limits, chattering on….It’s great to have him “back”!!