Our beloved li’l baby girl turned 1 several weeks ago now!! She celebrated, yes she did. Her actual bday was a weekday, so poor thing had to go into daycare, but I woke up a little earlier than usual to bake her a banana cupcake. We’d already introduced wheat to her, so the only new, big 1-year old, new food was agave. And, it was her first real sweet treat!
That weekend, we celebrated with a little Music Together party at our house with just a few of our closest family friends. She had a blast (as did the other kids, I think!)! And she wore the dress that her “teacher” in the infant room gave her!
Then, a couple of weeks later, we had yet another celebration with the family.
She is such a joy to be around…she is often so playful. If she hears you laughing, she might just join in, too, even though she may not be sure why you’re laughing; while Cameron sings the Glee Cast version of “Lean On Me,” she sings the intro, “hum hum hum hum”. She likes trying to put things back together (fit lids on their cups, join mega bloks together, etc.) and, though I haven’t had much time to blog about her communication skills lately, she is signing and has been for quite some time! “Fan” and “all done” look remarkably similar, but they’re also clear in context! And, she gives high fives on-demand!
She is our baby, for sure. I look at her and Dylan next to each other and know that no time at all will pass before she’s as tall as he is and talking non-stop.
Already, she’s finished her first full week in the toddler room at pre-school! I came to pick her up one day and there she was, sitting in a regular kiddie chair at the table–no straps on the chair to hold her in, no tray–happily eating her lunch while waiting for my arrival!!
. With every new thing that she does, I’m so very proud and so very sad! She is growing up so fast!!!
party day cupcakes (banana split, cookies ‘n’ cream, gluten-free chocolate)
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.
that’s teacher Jessica (we’ve been taking her class since Dylan was young!)
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.
party warm-up with Tyler