D.Y.L.A.N and Dylan is his name-o

eating nori, saying "cheese" for me
eating nori, saying "cheese"
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Dylan’s molars are coming in, but he is such a trooper. Really. He’s such a nice guy, it sometimes stuns me. He likes to joke around, he’s so good at sharing (admittedly, moreso with me and Tom than with other kids), he extends invitations to play with him (“c’mon mommy-o. come back daddy-o. c’mon talinana”) and, so far, he hasn’t displayed any aggressive behaviors towards other kids (physical aggression, anyway; he does sometimes shout “Noooo!” when he wants something they have, and he’ll thrust his little arm out to emphasize his dismay).

Also, he’s getting so good at talking…and getting better at his conversational skills.

Every morning, he surprises me with what’s on his mind (the other day, the first thoughts out were “processors. I have little one. Mommy has big one”; this morning it was “no more sleepin’. I wanna eat”!).

He offers his opinions freely and honestly: Tom made a homemade tomato sauce from our first tomatoes of the season the other night, and when he asked Dylan if the sauce tasted icky (often Dylan prefers plain), he responded with, “It’s not icky. Daddy-o. It tastes fine.”

He’s very bossy and direct: on the way home from daycare just yesterday, he told me he needed to drive…to the office…to work (we wish we had his enthusiasm). He needed to sit in the big seat and I needed to sit “over there”. At night, if I work, he’ll say, “no mommy. Stop working!”

He counts and spells: he’s very reliably counting to 10 and very reliably spelling his name (verbally, thanks to singing the “Bingo” song). He already knows his dad’s name (when asked, he’ll answer “Tom Reisz”), but just recently, he’s learned his mom’s name (it used to be, “my mom…is…mommy”, but now it’s “my mom is “SEAL”).

There’s been so much chatter in such a short span of time!

The other new thing this week is somersaults on his own (though more than half are crooked). And, perhaps the most promising development: he’s requested to sleep in his own bed and has done so for 2 nights this week (he also asked to sleep in his “little bed” last night, but I fell asleep before bed time stories were finished!).

We’re glad the tough “teething” week has ended. He’s such a charmer when he’s content….

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