our budding artist…and writer!

Lovin' the art...! by coffywoman
Lovin’ the art…!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that Cameron has begun to sound out and write words on her own.

As you can see here, she spelled Mama with O’s instead of A’s but, you know, that’s just how she and Dylan pronounce it (it sounds like “moh moh”)!!

One afternoon a few weeks ago, she drew a picture for Tom as well with “DAD” clearly written across the top…and, of course, she is writing her name quite well now (today at Studio Sprout, I was about to write her name on the back of her art project when she told me, “no mama. I want to do it.” and boom she did (good thing, too, because Chloe was pulling me away!).

So, yes, this girl’s phonics are improving by the week. At story time just yesterday, I pulled a book off the shelf and asked her what the title was and she instantly recognized it as “Chloe.” She’s not reading quite yet, but her ability to recognize patterns is definitely improving!

Also, I love her art. It’s so sweet!

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