Dylan rolls over!

Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

This morning, for the first time ever, Dylan calmly tolerated tummy time. Usually, he immediately starts fussing once he’s put on his belly, so he doesn’t stay belly down for very long at all (usually just minutes). But, this morning, he really just held himself up like a champ.

I even had enough time to take a a couple of photos.

Then, when Tom got home from work, I asked him if he wanted to see how well Dylan did on his belly….I set Dylan down on the mat and the next thing we knew, Dylan had rolled himself over!

Thinking this may have been a fluke, we put him on his belly again and he did it again…and then once again!

I can’t believe how quickly he’s changing and developing…Aside from rolling over, he’s now also very entertained — he laughs and coos — by the light-up star tied to the top of his playmat, and he’s far more tolerant of the swing.

We’re hoping that his patience with being in a carseat will be the next big “developmental” milestone….

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