I can’t believe I don’t have a picture of Chloe to post with this post, but I guess she’s often super close to me and therefore hard to capture on film!! Anyway, too much time has passed since the last Chloe update.
This girl has grown so very much. She says, “agua”, “uppah”, “mommy”, “daddy”, she now signs “light”, “strawberry”, “apple”, “more” (“all done”, too) and she is obviously so interested in talking, she practically can’t stand it! When she gets excited about something, she just starts babbling so excitedly, pointing and kicking and running towards thing-of-interest! She understands so much of what you say and we love hearing her say, “yeah” (and seeing her nod her head–it really is adorable. It’s the whole-body nod–incidentally, the big kids exploit this: when I’m driving and ask if Chloe is asleep, they’ll start asking her “are-you-a-horse” questions (based on the fact that we sing “Trot old Chlo” to the tune of “Trot old Joe”):”do you like hay?” “do you like it in the garden shed?” “are you a horse”…and the poor girl says “yeah” to each question if she’s awake!).
She has learned which plants “hide” strawberries and she rushes up to them, babbling all along, and moves their leaves aside until she finds a ripe one. When she does, body and mouth let you know she’s super thrilled! She loves going out into our yard. Not only is it fun to water stuff (including your toes) and go down the slide, there’s so much to eat! We’ve enjoyed the cherries, the strawberries and even the mandarin oranges! There’s also so much to smell–she picks off lavendar, rosemary and mint and brings them to her nose and mine…and then she loves flowers, just like Cameron! She picks as many different kinds as she can and shows you with a “da”!
If time felt like it was going by quickly with Dylan and even faster with Cameron, it’s all the more so with Chloe. There is always so much going on, we don’t have the luxury to Pause…and, of course, with the two big kids, her learning is on fast, fast forward. She already wants to do what they do, eat what they do, etc. I wanna say, “take your time, li’l girl,” but she is already so much her own person with her own will, she isn’t really going to oblige us, even if she could!