Week 8 – oh, my!

hat party
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Week 8 was definitely eventful. Our good friend Mariah celebrated her 40th with a funny hat party. Tom wore his Mad Hatter hat, and I stuffed my coconut into Dylan’s White Rabbit hat!

Ok. So, it was weird to be at a party without our kids! We had some margaritas (Mariah’s dad was manning the margarita machine!!) and talked with a bunch of other parents we knew…and there wasn’t a single kid tugging at anybody’s shirts or clutching anyone’s pant legs!! And…it was fun!

So, where’d we ditch the kids?? Mariah had actually arranged a super cheap kid-care with a nearby local gym, but Dylan, worried about being with strangers, didn’t want to go (despite the fact that we’d told him Finley and Nate would be there as well)! But, luckily, we decided to hire one of the preschool teachers to come watch Chloe (Chloe was invited to the party, but she’s not really a sit in your arms kind of gal anymore and we figured it might be nice to mingle without abruptly leaving a conversation to follow her around!) and Liz agreed to watch all 3 of the kids for marginally more than just watching Chloe.

By report, the kids were exrememly helpful with Chloe and so much fun to hang out with. Liz was impressed that they didn’t even ask to watch TV and that they were content to just play!

Party only went on until 8 (when gym daycare expired), so we made it back home in time to brush the kids’ teeth and snuggle up with them for bed!

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