Day 192: watching the Alaskan pig races at the County Fair

watching the Alaskan pig races
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Another year, another county fair! This time, Dylan had a blast watching little baby piglets nurse and Alaskan pigs race; he fed some carrots to some goats and a pony; and he took another pony ride. We didn’t stay as long as we did last year, mostly because Dylan got so very tired — I don’t know how he mustered up the energy to stay awake all last year!

He was already fading fast by the time the pigs were racing (12:30pm) and, although he enjoyed the pony ride, he was clearly ready to sleep as soon as he got off the pony!

Overall, it’s continued to be very busy here. We added Friday PMs to Dylan’s school schedule at the beginning of this month (owing to my work schedule just getting too insane what with Dylan’s late bed time!). He’s adjusted to it just fine and, although, it’s been great for my work load, I miss having fun Fridays with him!

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