first day of school!

so excited for my li'l guy's first day of second grade! i hope he has a good day! by coffywoman
so excited for my li’l guy’s first day of second grade! i hope he has a good day!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Our whole family walked Dylan down to school this morning for his first day of second grade.

He’s in the same class with Maya–one of his best buddies–and in a classroom that is tucked a little bit further away from the chaos of the playground. He really wanted Ms. Fish (the teacher T. had for second grade), but overall, I think he’s probably in the class that will benefit him the most. He tends to be easily distracted, so being out in Ms. Fish’s portable out there by the playground, may well have been too distracting for him. Also, when I asked him his preference–would he want to be in Ms. Fish’s class or be in the same class with Maya–it was a total no-brainer: he would prefer to be with Maya. And, he’s in there with Sienna (Maya and Sienna were best buddies in Kindergarten).

He is such a great fella. He is all set to have a superb year with Mrs. Puretz. And, we are, too! I’m eager to see what he’ll learn this year and eager to see him continue to grow, intellectually, physically, and emotionally.

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