hot stuff

Daycare called us up late Wednesday afternoon to tell us Dylan had a high fever and needed to be picked up ASAP. I thought it was just a little teething fever and it would go away in one day. Turns out, it stuck around through the weekend!

Oh, and that nice, “it get better soon” comment regarding his sore gums…well, that sentiment went out the window! Dylan has had his fussiest few days E.V.E.R!

He’s barking things like, “go away” and he’s constantly saying “noooo!”; he doesn’t want Tom to do anything at all for him and he doesn’t want me to do anything else but pick him up or hang out with him….He hasn’t wanted to go to school either, so everyday has been a struggle getting him changed into regular clothes. One day, after parking in the school lot, he even scrambled to the other side of the car and cried, “noo! Noo! Not today!” It’s been a challenging week for all of us!

Still, he’s as cute as can be. Just this morning, he told me he dreamed about riding camels…in Egypt…and he saw Olivia there (of course, this is a total rehash of Olivia’s dream in the story, Olivia and the Missing Toy), but still, it was very sweet.

Once more, we’re looking forward to this whole teething phase ending. Sad thing is, it seems he’s still working on the bottom teeth (when we thought he had already fully cleared them!), so we will have the tops to worry about next….!

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