running around

By Sunday, Dylan’s fever had gone down sufficiently that we felt pretty comfortable with taking him to my run (the San Jose Rock ‘n’ Roll) and, of course, we weren’t going to miss Jason’s 7th bday party!

Dylan woke up at 5:45am and napped 30 minutes (Tom had a very challenging 2-3 hours with him while Christina and I were running! Incidentally, this was Christina’s first half-marathon!), but he perked up at Auntie Cindy’s house, our immediate post-race (and post-shower) destination.

practicing chords for us on his new electric guitar!
a new electric guitar!
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

This obviously isn’t Dylan, but I can’t resist sharing this picture of Jason practicing his chords for us on his new electric guitar (Jeff’s teaching him)!

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