auntie cindy’s bday

auntie cindy’s bday
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

This past weekend, we celebrated Auntie Cindy’s bday and, wouldntcha know it, this li’l gal probably thought it was her own! She had that apprehensive-but-secretly-thrilled look about her during cake time…and it did not help at all that the bday gal had her on her lap the whole time and asked for help with blowing out the candles!

“for me? really??”
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

tech with auntie
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Chloe can be pretty reluctant with others, but she was a-ok with showing Auntie how much she knew about iPhones.

video games
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

As always, the kids had fun with their cousins–including the new doggy ones.

jas with his new pup
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

techy baby
Originally uploaded by coffywoman.

Let me also just take a moment to note just how much Chloe is talking these days. She pretty much repeats what you say, but the cutest words so far include “castle,” “thank you” (which she says often!), “yellow” (which sounds like “lallow”), “pumpkin” and “Dylan”, “Cameron” and “Chloe”.

She is at such a fun age!

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